Thursday, April 5, 2012

Beautiful Spring Weather

... wasted.  Crunch time at work on a project, which means no spare time in the evenings.  It means fitting in a run in the morning, taking my work laptop home in the evening, and working 2-3 hours every night.

If I can get past Easter weekend, I can hopefully enjoy some of this great weather.

Until then,

Running is going well.  I'm hovering in the low 20's for my weekly mileage since really getting back to running after all of my down time.  Typically right now, I'd start making wild plans for mileage increases and ramping things up as the weather gets nicer.  Not this time.  This time, I practice what I preach, and this sermon is about consistency.  Smaller, more manageable mileage (say that 3 times fast), which will keep me from taking extra days off, and very specific hard work aimed at giving me maximum benefit with minimum soreness and unscheduled breaks.  I'm always telling people to work smart, it's about time I wised up.


  1. Hey, sorry to bother you maybe it's the wrong place..Anyway you answered my question on yahoo about the 10.9 if you remember and since I see you have a lot of knowledge about running can you give me an e-mail or something just to ask a few questions.Again I'm sorry if I'm bothering you.

    1. Not sure if you'll get to see this, but...

      You haven't given me any means by which to contact you. The easiest way would be for you to email me through my Answers page (yours is set so that I cannot email you).


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