I'm back to running this week. My hip doesn't really feel much better, but I think the issue is manageable. I've learned that with a warm up routine specifically for the affected area, I can run without it hurting, and if I keep it mobile throughout the day I can avoid pain then too.
This week is just easy mileage to get back into the swing of things. Monday my hip hurt a lot during the run, but felt much better after I stretched out at the end. This morning I warmed up my hip properly, and had no trouble with it while running. I'm pretty sore all over from starting back in the gym yesterday.
That's all for now. Things have been pretty slow, just a lot of studying for my exam. I don't like to post just for the sake of posting, but I also hate to go days and days without some kind of update.
Hopefully something fun and exciting will happen in the near future for me to write about.
I need to start stretching more. I don't have any pains right now, but I'm sure I will if I don't start prepping and cooling down better.