I'm in the office for a few hours this afternoon, so I thought I'd write a post. Our inspection is going well this week, we're actually a bit ahead of schedule. We took the afternoon off for a conference call regarding the upcoming inspections in Mississippi. Since our folks in Mississippi are an hour behind us, a 3 pm conference call for them is a 4 pm conference call for me. This would normally be no big deal, except I am running in the evenings this week because of the inspection schedule (not enough time to run in the morning beforehand). And I don't especially like conference calls, especially ones where I have nothing to add to the conversation. So I'll be sitting here catching up on a few things and listening for the least possible amount of time, then heading home to run.
I had a 10 mile run on Saturday morning that went very well. I was comfortable at a sub-8:30 pace, and didn't end up with any soreness afterwards. Sunday was supposed to be a day off, but instead I found myself on a 16 mile bike ride to my office to pick up the company vehicle (meaning I could leave my personal vehicle home this week during the inspection. Not a bad ride, no muscle soreness, but my seat isn't the most comfortable. 6 miles with some all-out sprinting coming up this evening.
I'm tired, I'm damp from the rain this morning, and I'm filthy from the inspection. Oh, and I don't want to be doing this phone meeting (in case you didn't pick up on that). Maybe I can just sleep for an hour during the call...
It is currently 5:30. I'm still at the office. The call is still going on...
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