Time for a bit of housekeeping, regarding recent posts about the half marathon:
Typos - I'm not going to correct them. I try my best to avoid them, but without a second set of eyes proofing my posts, I'll inevitably miss some things. You should be able to figure out what I'm saying, you are that smart (or are you...). Someday when I'm rich and famous and can afford an editor for my writing, there won't be any more typos.
Names - Kim's grandma's name is Doris, spelled with 1 'r'. Her aunt's name, Sharon, is also spelled with only 1 'r'. After I got scolded over this, it seemed like a good idea to print a correction here.
Labels/tags for my posts - working on it. I'll probably get it about 1/2 done this weekend, maybe more if things go well.
Site redesign - been promising it for ages. I am finally actually working on the layout, but it is far from something I'm happy with. I don't want to change it until I'm absolutely satisfied with what I come up with.
Fall running schedule - my job sometimes interferes with my training, but not too often. I'm off on inspection next week, but it is a local bridge so I will probably be able to run (I'm taking some time off from the gym to make sure I'm healthy). I don't go to Mississippi for inspections until the 2 weeks after Thanksgiving, which are traditionally off/easy weeks for me heading into winter training anyway. Since I'm not lifting weights right now, I've got plenty of study time in the evenings for the PE exam. So things are looking up for my fall running!
As of late:
My week has gone well, I'm easing myself back into consistent mileage after the taper for the race. I've had 4 runs this week so far, for a total of 18 miles. Tomorrow is a 10 miler, then Sunday off before heading into my first full week of training for the Thanksgiving day 5 mile race. Yesterday was my only "hard" run, a 5 miler with 8-15s all-out sprints. It felt good to go fast, I haven't done any real speed work all year. Have a nice weekend.
Why wait to spruce up your layout? Just start playing with it (twss). Use the design from those awesome T-shirts!!!! Make that your header!