Friday, April 15, 2011

Adam Afield

Next time you hear from me I'll be in sunny (hopefully) Moorefield, WV, doing railroad bridge inspections.  While it will be hard to balance my training over the next two weeks, this is a great opportunity to do some flat ground running and see some of the more remote parts of the state.

Not much has been going on since we last spoke, which is why I haven't posted anything.  Just another week here at the office, another week of getting up earlier than I want to fit in my running.  I still feel like my progress is slower than I'd like, but I am continuing to progress.

I'm hoping to have something interesting or exciting to blog about during inspections next week - cool pictures, hand-repairing parts of the railroad using only my bulging weight room muscles, wrestling a mountain lion to protect women and children camping along the river, that sort of stuff.

1 comment:

  1. i see your not working very hard to run 30 miles.late midnight snacks i see?


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