Monday, June 27, 2011

Still on The Sidelines

I ran about a half mile this morning to test my shin.  Still not there yet.  I'm giving it a few more days, and I'll try another short run to see how it feels.  It's definitely better than it was, but I can't train on it.  I must say, I don't care for this at all, not one bit.

Since I'm not running, I've got an extra hour each day to accomplish things.  What am I accomplishing with this extra hour?  Not much, it seems.  I slept in this weekend, for the first time in a long time.  I haven't gotten to work much earlier in the past week, even though I've been getting up at the same time.  I almost feel like I should have some guilt over how lazy I've been.  I don't.

I'm pretty glad I didn't have a race or long run this weekend.  I had plans for dinner at Red Lobster with my wife Saturday night.  Then I got a call around noon from my dad, he had a break in his water line and needed some help with it, so I hopped in the car and headed south.  My parents live about an hour and a half from me - so quick math, leaving at 12:30, 3 hours of drive time, if we could fix the line within 2 hours I'd still have time to get home, shower, and go to dinner without eating at a weird time.  The clock was ticking.

Luckily my uncle procured us a backhoe for digging up the line to find the problem, which cut out huge amounts of hand digging (and time).  We finished fairly quickly, and I found myself back home by around 5 - leaving enough time not only for getting cleaned up for dinner, but also to watch the US Track and Field Championships before we left.  Couldn't have worked out better.

I highly recommend the spicy habanero coconut shrimp, very good.  The desserts, meh.  I'm not much of a fan of restaurant desserts, they generally aren't that good, but it came with the meal thingy we were getting.

So I guess I'll just continue not running and getting fat while I wait on my leg to heal.  Perhaps I'll spend some time on my redesign of this page tonight...


  1. Enjoy your laziness. Where I came from we only ate at the Red Lobster on special occasions. It was the fancy place in town.

  2. Red Lobster is my wife's favorite. We're a solid 30 minute drive or more from most sit-down restaurants.


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