Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Still Rollin'

I've rearranged my running schedule a little bit (again).  I don't want to risk my mileage being too high and causing an injury, no matter how well the running is going.

I bumped my long workout to Saturday - a 10 mile tempo run with a full mile warm up and cool down.  The 10 miles went great, just under an 8 minute pace, and I'm kind of looking forward to trying to go a little faster when I repeat the workout this Saturday morning.  Tomorrow I'll do some 400m repeats to work on my speed and running economy.  My form has felt kind of funny ever since the layoff, I just don't feel smooth and fluid.  Some faster running should help fix that.

I may or may not get to post again this week, since we're up against yet another deadline at work.  I definitely plan to write a post Saturday evening to cover all that goes on the rest of the week.  In addition to my running, we're having dinner with friends on Friday evening and I'm helping my brother move into his new apartment at Marshall University on Saturday.  And, since we're finally getting some rain, I might have to mow my yard sometime soon.  I haven't mowed it in a month, it just isn't growing.  At least with the rain the front yard isn't as brown looking...

1 comment:

  1. I rearrange my schedule constantly. Actually, I'm not sure if you could say that I have a schedule.


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