Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Can One Day Make a Difference? Only if You Mean It...

I decided late last week that I wouldn't post anything until after my next run.  The logic behind this was that I'd be doing a long run on Saturday, and could come up with something to write about that run, or long runs in general, or just ramble about whatever as usual.

Then the weekend came.  And how many miles did I run?  Zero.  Another weekend spent screwing around, the most productive activity on my schedule was grocery shopping.  Reading my other posts, I'm seeing a pattern here...

I need to find a way to overcome my weekend laziness.  This time, it spilled all the way into Monday.  The weather was dreary, and I decided it was too crappy to run, so I didn't.  Then I didn't lift weights.  And then I didn't do any dishes.  Again, same old pattern. 

Yesterday (Tuesday), I did go running.  It was pouring rain.  I decided that it was punishment for faking a "weather day" on Monday, and trudged out into it for a 5 mile fartlek run.  The run went well, and so did the weight lifting afterward.  I was on such a roll last night that I even washed EVERY SINGLE DISH in the sink.  I went from completely wasting my time, to hitting every goal I set, overnight.  How did this happen?

Though I never saw it at the time, looking back, I've always accomplished anything I really set myself to.  My failures have never really been because of a lack of ability or some external disadvantage.  I fail when I half-ass things.  I fail when I get lazy and don't take things seriously.

So I'm saying this, because it needs said.  Said on the internet, where anybody can see it, where they can badger me and harass me if I stray off course.  Where anyone reading this (is anyone reading this?) can call me out, can comment or contact me and say, "hey asshole, remember that one post that one day..."  I'M GOING TO HAVE A BIG YEAR.  A big year of running.  A big year of accomplishing goals.  All of my goals.  Any target that gets set in front of me, I'm going to do what it takes to hit it.  Once said, something cannot be unsaid.  Anyone reading this, hold me to it.

"Wherever you go, go with all your heart."

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